pp108 : GetCaseInstance Details

GetCaseInstance Details

This API is used to retrieve the state instances and activity instances details of the specific instance of a Case.

Resource URI
Request Type


HTTP Header Parameters



Accepted Input Values


The SAML artifact received after authentication. Refer to Login for more information on how to authenticate.

Note: The supported output formats are:

  • JSON
  • XML
Request Parameters
Parameter Description Accepted Input Values


The model ID of the Case.

For example, if the model ID qname is com/opentext/conference/ProductLaunch  then in the URL it must be provided as   com.opentext.conference.ProductLaunch .


The instance ID of the Case instance.  

Specifies whether the state_instances has to be added in the response or not

activity_instances Specifies whether the activity_instances has to be added in the response or not Boolean 
Response Parameters
Parameter Description
case_instance_identifiers Case identifiers of the Case instance on which the search is performed
case_instance_id Unique identifier of the Case instance
case_model Unique Identifier of the Case model
model_revision Model revision ID
status Status of the Case model
started_on Time when the Case started
started_by User who started the Case
last_modified_on Last modified date
last_modified_by User who last modified the Case
due_on Due date
source_type Source
source Unique identifier of the source
activity_instances Details of all the activity instances triggered for the Case instance
activity_instance/case_state/state_name Name of the state to which the activity belongs
activity_instance/case_activity/activity_name Name of the Case activity
activity_instance/case_activity/activity_type Type of the Case activity
activity_instance/ case_activity/ activity_model_id Unique identifier of the activity as available in the design time
activity_instance/ activity_instance_id Unique identifier of the activity instance
activity_instance/planned_on Timestamp when  the activity was planned
activity_instance/started_on Timestamp when  the activity has started
activity_instance/last_modified_on Timestamp when  the activity was  last  modified
activity_instance/last_modified_by DN of the  user who modified the activity for the last time
state_instances Details of all the completed and active states of the Case instance
state_instance/case_state/state_name Name of the state
state_instance/case_state/state_model_id Unique identifier of the state as available in the design time
state_instance/planned_on Time when the state was planned
state_instance/entered_on Time when the state has started
state_instance/exited_on Time when the state has completed
state_instance/status Current status of the state
Sample Response

   "case_instance": {

      "status": "NEW",

      "priority": 3,

      "source": "d3a8315d-f1a3-11e3-ec48-925762ff57b8",

      "case_instance_id": "73e896a5-4322-11e3-ec48-925806e4d4ac",

      "case_model": "3b500fb4-b161-11e3-ec48-8d8bfc87948a",

      "model_revision": "57cb1417-15a3-11e3-ec48-8d8bfc65d489",

      "started_on": "1386753241062",

      "started_by": "cn=cordys,cn=organizational users,o=system,cn=cordys,cn=defaultInst,o=vanenburg.com",

      "last_modified_on": 1386753241062,

      "last_modified_by": "cn=cordys,cn=organizational users,o=system,cn=cordys,cn=defaultInst,o=vanenburg.com",

      "root_id": "73e896a5-4322-11e3-ec48-925806e4d4ac",

      "source_type": "Web Service",

      "due_on": null,

      "case_instance_identifiers": {

         "any": [

            "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-16\"?>\n<CURRENTSTATE dataType=\"STRING\" xmlns=\"http://schemas.cordys.com/casemanagement/execution/1.0\" xmlns:S=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" xmlns:ns2=\"http://schemas.cordys.com/General/1.0/\">Default State<\/CURRENTSTATE>"



      "bpm_model_revision": {

         "overview_form": {

            "name": "{http://schemas.cordys.com/casemanagement/execution/1.0}overview_form",

            "declaredType": "java.lang.String",

            "scope": "com.cordys.jaxws.cases.getcaseinstancedetails.GetCaseInstanceDetailsResponse$CaseInstance$BpmModelRevision",

            "value": null,

            "nil": true,

            "globalScope": false,

            "typeSubstituted": false



      "bpm_model": {

         "model_name": "case1"



   "activity_instances": {

      "activity_instance": [


            "activity_instance_id": "370ee18a-8d11-11e3-ec48-92580f9494af",

            "planned_on": "1386753241063",

            "started_on": "1386753241063",

            "last_modified_on": "1386753241235",

            "last_modified_by": "cn=cordys,cn=organizational users,o=system,cn=cordys,cn=defaultInst,o=vanenburg.com",

            "correlation_id": "370ee18a-8d11-11e3-ec48-92580f9494af",

            "current_status": "RELEASED",

            "case_state": {

               "state_name": "Default State"


            "case_activity": {

               "activity_name": "Activity",

               "activity_type": "HUMANTASK",

               "activity_model_id": "73e06da9-0fb9-11e3-ec48-588594205ff3"





   "state_instances": {

      "state_instance": [


            "status": "ACTIVE",

            "case_state": {

               "state_name": "Default State",

               "state_model_id": "RootCaseModelState"


            "planned_on": "1386753241063",

            "entered_on": "1386753241063",

            "exited_on": null



